About I-CAST

An interdisciplinary center drawing on expertise in engineering, kinesiology, health science and athletic training, the Integrative Center for Athletic and Sport Technology (I-CAST) is devoted to the development of new technologies and the application of existing technologies for the primary purpose of reducing injury, accelerating recovery from injury, enhancing human performance and optimizing nutrition in performance and recovery.

Background image of the UA campus from above.


I-CAST is devoted to the development of new technologies and the application of existing technologies for the primary purpose of reducing injury, accelerating recovery from injury, enhancing human performance and optimizing nutrition in performance and recovery.


I-CAST brings together people from across campus with a passion in this niche topic who already are collaborating on innovative research. The center is supported by the College of Engineering, College of Education, College of Human Environmental Sciences and Crimson Tide Athletics. Divisions represented in I-CAST include:

-    The University of Alabama     |     The College of Engineering    -

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